Tag: ##NEWSMAN:view_online##
The view online tag generates an unique link, where the user can see in the browser the personalized newsletter.
Usually this TAG is placed in the upper part of the HTML and plain text alternative content.
Example of HTML code with the view online tag included:
You can view this personalized newsletter in your browser by clicking <a href="##NEWSMAN:view_online##">here</a>. |
In the view online mode, usually it makes no sense to see the text inviting you to see in your browser (since you’re already in your browser). In order to auto remove the text in view online mode, there should be used a html tag with id view_online_id. All the HTML node will be hidden when in view online mode.
The above example becomes:
<span id="view_online_id">You can view this personalized newsletter in your browser by clicking <a href="##NEWSMAN:view_online##">here</a>.</span> |
It’s recommended to use the view online tag when the newsletter html messages has remote referred images.