API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
list.getProps | GET | /list.getProps.json | Returns a hash array with the properties of a list |
list.updateProps | POST | /list.updateProps.json | Updates the properties of a list |
list.updateProp | POST | /list.updateProp.json | Updates one property of a list |
list.getProp | GET | /list.getProp.json | Returns the property specified of a list |
list.userlistinfo | GET | /list.all.json | Returns a hash array with all available lists |
list.all | GET | /list.all.json | Returns a hash array with all available lists |
list.count | GET | /list.count.json | Returns the number of active subscribers from a list |
list.updateName | POST | /list.updateName.json | Updates a list name |
list.getModerators | GET | /list.getModerators.json | Returns an array with the moderator emails of this list (one email per array item) |
list.setModerators | POST | /list.setModerators.json | Replaces the moderators of a list with new moderators |
list.getIps | GET | /list.getIps.json | Returns a list with the assigned IPs (one IP address per array item) |
list.getSubscribers | GET | /list.getSubscribers.json | Returns the subscribers matching status and since (optional) for a list. |
list.getSubscriberVariables | GET | /list.getSubscriberVariables.json | Returns the custom variables for the subscribers of a list. |
list.refreshSubscriberVariables | POST | /list.refreshSubscriberVariables.json | Refreshes the custom variables for the subscribers of a list. |
list.subscribersHistory | GET | /list.subscribersHistory.json | Returns an array with the history entries for the subscribers of a list |
list.anonymiseSubscriber | POST | /list.anonymiseSubscriber.json | Deletes a subscriber from a list |
list.subscribersEvolution | GET | /list.subscribersEvolution.json | Returns, for a list, the evolution of the subscribers during a certain period (grouped by days: no. total subscribers, no. eligible subscribers, no. unsubscribes, no. spam reports, no. hardbounces) |
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
newsletter.getProps | GET | /newsletter.getProps.json | Returns a hash array with the properties of a newsletter |
newsletter.getProp | GET | /newsletter.getProp.json | Returns the specified property of a newsletter |
newsletter.updateProps | POST | /newsletter.updateProps.json | Updates the properties of a newsletter |
newsletter.updateProp | POST | /newsletter.updateProp.json | Updates one property of a newsletter |
newsletter.pause | POST | /newsletter.pause.json | Pauses a sending newsletter |
newsletter.resume | POST | /newsletter.resume.json | Resumes a paused newsletter |
newsletter.schedule | POST | /newsletter.schedule.json | Schedules a newsletter to be sent in the future |
newsletter.cancel | POST | /newsletter.cancel.json | Cancels a newsletter |
newsletter.confirm | POST | /newsletter.confirm.json | Confirms a newsletter via API |
newsletter.sendConfirm | POST | /newsletter.sendConfirm.json | Sends a newsletter confirmation mail |
newsletter.create | POST | /newsletter.create.json | Creates a new newsletter in this list |
newsletter.getSegments | GET | /newsletter.getSegments.json | Returns a hash array with the segments of a newsletter |
newsletter.getExcludedSegments | GET | /newsletter.getExcludedSegments.json | Returns a hash array with the excluded segments of a newsletter |
newsletter.setSegments | POST | /newsletter.setSegments.json | Updates the segments of a newsletter |
newsletter.setExcludedSegments | POST | /newsletter.setExcludedSegments.json | Updates the excluded segments of a newsletter |
newsletter.setAlternateContent | GET | /newsletter.setAlternateContent.json | Sets the alternate content for a newsletter (viewable online at ##NEWSMAN:view_online##?akey=) |
newsletter.all | GET | /newsletter.all.json | Returns a list of newsletters with status $status between $start_date, $stop_date (inclusive). The method can also return results in CSV format by using the CSV output format: newsletter.all.csv |
newsletter.update | POST | /newsletter.update.json | Updates a new newsletter in this list (unconfirmed only) |
newsletter.sendTest | POST | /newsletter.sendTest.json | Sends a test to the specified emails |
newsletter.stats | GET | /newsletter.stats.json | Returns stats for the specified newsletter |
newsletter.linksClicked | GET | /newsletter.linksClicked.json | Returns links clicked for the specified newsletter |
newsletter.restart | POST | /newsletter.restart.json | Restarts a cancelled / sent newsletter |
newsletter.subscribersHistory | GET | /newsletter.subscribersHistory.json | Returns an array with the history entries for the subscribers of a newsletter |
newsletter.statusactions | GET | /newsletter.statusactions.json | Returns info about the newsletter status and actions which may be taken |
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
draft.getDraftInfo | GET
| /draft.getDraftInfo.json
| Returns a hash array with the info of a draft
draft.getParseDraftHTMLHandlebars | POST
| /draft.getParseDraftHTMLHandlebars.json
| Parses the HTML code of a draft through Handlebars and returns the HTML code and the compile parameters
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
segment.all | GET | /segment.all.json | Returns a hash array with all available segments for a list |
segment.search | GET | /segment.search.json | Returns a hash array with all available segments for a list found for the search regex |
segment.count | GET | /segment.count.json | Returns the number of active subscribers from a segment |
segment.updateName | POST | /segment.updateName.json | Updates a segment name |
segment.delete | POST | /segment.delete.json | Removes a segment from the database |
segment.addSubscriber | POST | /segment.addSubscriber.json | Adds a subscriber to the segment |
segment.removeSubscriber | POST | /segment.removeSubscriber.json | Removes a subscriber from the segment |
segment.create | POST | /segment.create.json | Creates a new segment for a list |
segment.clear | POST | /segment.clear.json | Removes all subscribers from this segment |
segment.refresh | POST | /segment.refresh.json | Triggers a refresh of the segment |
segment.getSubscribers | GET | /segment.getSubscribers.json | Returns the subscribers for a segment |
segment.massUnsubscribe | POST | /segment.massUnsubscribe.json | Unsubscribes all subscribers in a segment |
segment.massDeactivate | POST | /segment.massDeactivate.json | Deactivates all subscribers in a segment |
segment.massAnonymise | POST | /segment.massAnonymise.json | Anonymises all subscribers in a segment |
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
subscriber.get | GET | /subscriber.get.json | Returns subscriber data as hash (struct) array |
subscriber.getByEmail | GET | /subscriber.getByEmail.json | Returns subscriber data as hash (struct) array |
subscriber.history | GET | /subscriber.history.json | Returns subscriber action history (last 100 actions) as struct (array with history entries) |
subscriber.update | POST | /subscriber.update.json | Updates email, firstname or lastname for a subscriber |
subscriber.updateProps | POST | /subscriber.updateProps.json | Updates the properties of a subscriber |
subscriber.addTag | POST | /subscriber.addTag.json | Adds a tag to a subscriber |
subscriber.addTags | POST | /subscriber.addTags.json | Adds tags to a subscriber |
subscriber.removeTag | POST | /subscriber.removeTag.json | Removes a tag from a subscriber |
subscriber.removeTags | POST | /subscriber.removeTags.json | Updates the properties of a subscriber |
subscriber.getSubscribersBatch | GET | /subscriber.getSubscribersBatch.json | Retrieves multiple subscribers by email or subscriber_id |
subscriber.updatePropsBatch | POST | /subscriber.updatePropsBatch.json | Updates the properties of an array of subscribers |
subscriber.updateProp | POST | /subscriber.updateProp.json | Updates one property of a subscriber |
subscriber.addToSegment | POST | /subscriber.addToSegment.json | Adds a subscriber to the segment |
subscriber.removeFromSegment | POST | /subscriber.removeFromSegment.json | Removes a subscriber from a segment |
subscriber.saveSubscribe | POST | /subscriber.saveSubscribe.json | Saves / subscribes a subscriber to the list |
subscriber.initSubscribe | POST | /subscriber.initSubscribe.json | Inits a confirmed opt in subscribe. Email is sent first to the subscriber with an unique link which has to be clicked. |
subscriber.saveUnsubscribe | POST | /subscriber.saveUnsubscribe.json | Unsubscribes an email from a list |
subscriber.saveUnsubscribeById | POST | /subscriber.saveUnsubscribe.json | Unsubscribes an abonat from a list |
subscriber.initUnsubscribe | POST | /subscriber.initUnsubscribe.json | Inits an unsubscribe request. An email with an unsubscribe confirmation link is sent to the subscriber |
subscriber.getProfilingAllowed | GET | /subscriber.getProfilingAllowed.json | Returns Gets if profiling is allowed or not for a subscriber |
subscriber.setProfilingAllowed | POST | /subscriber.setProfilingAllowed.json | Sets if profiling is allowed or not for a subscriber |
subscriber.search | GET | /subscriber.search.json | Returns the subscribers matching keywords, status and since (optional) for a list. |
subscriber.anonymiseId | POST | /subscriber.anonymiseId.json | Anonymises a subscriber (by id) from a list |
subscriber.anonymiseEmail | POST | /subscriber.anonymiseEmail.json | Anonymises a subscriber (by email) from a list |
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
template.mailTemplateAdd | POST | /template.mailTemplateAdd.json | Adds a transactional mail template for this list. Later can be used in initSubscribe and initUnsubscribe. |
template.mailTemplateDel | POST | /template.mailTemplateDel.json | Deletes a mail template for this user |
template.mailTemplateUpdate | POST | /template.mailTemplateUpdate.json | Updates a transactional mail template for this list |
template.mailTemplateGet | GET | /template.mailTemplateGet.json | Returns the content of this template as hash array for this $template_id |
template.mailTemplateSearch | GET | /template.mailTemplateSearch.json | Returns a list of template_ids for this list and this type |
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
download.subscribed | GET
| /download.subscribed.json
| Returns a download link to a CSV file, valid for 1h, from your current IP with the subscribed users of this list.
download.unsubscribed | GET
| /download.unsubscribed.json
| Returns a download link to a CSV file, valid for 1h, from your current IP with the users who unsubcribed from newsletters unsubscribe links.
download.unsubscribed_all | GET
| /download.unsubscribed_all.json
| Returns a download link to a CSV file, valid for 1h, from your current IP with all the unsubscribers users in this list, regardless of unsubscribe method.
download.bounced | GET
| /download.bounced.json
| Returns a download link to a CSV file, valid for 1h, from your current IP with the bounced users of this list.
download.reported_spam | GET
| /download.reported_spam.json
| Returns a download link to a CSV file, valid for 1h, from your current IP with the users of this list which reported newsletters as spam.
download.segment | GET
| /download.segment.json
| Returns a download link to a CSV file, valid for 1h, from your current IP with the subscribed users of this list segment.
download.search | GET
| /download.search.json
| Returns a download link to a CSV file with users matching your search criteria from this list.
download.newsletterSent | GET
| /download.newsletterSent.json
| Returns a download link to a CSV file, valid for 1h, from your current IP with the users which received this newsletter.
download.newsletterViewed | GET
| /download.newsletterViewed.json
| Returns a download link to a CSV file, valid for 1h, from your current IP with the users which viewed this newsletter.
download.newsletterClicked | GET
| /download.newsletterClicked.json
| Returns a download link to a CSV file, valid for 1h, from your current IP with the users which clicked this newsletter.
download.newsletterUnsubscribes | GET
| /download.newsletterUnsubscribes.json
| Returns a download link to a CSV file, valid for 1h, from your current IP with the users which unsubscribed from this newsletter.
download.newsletterReportedSpam | GET
| /download.newsletterReportedSpam.json
| Returns a download link to a CSV file, valid for 1h, from your current IP with the users which reported spam from this newsletter.
download.newsletterBounced | GET
| /download.newsletterBounced.json
| Returns a download link to a CSV file, valid for 1h, from your current IP with the users which bounced from this newsletter.
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
import.csv | POST | /import.csv.json | Creates a task to import users from csv file (data in $csv_data) into the database. Import will run in background. |
import.schedulecsv | POST | /import.schedulecsv.json | Creates a task to import users from csv file (data in $csv_data) into the database, after the specified delay Import will run in background. |
import.schedulejsonl | POST | /schedulejsonl.json | Creates a task to import users (specified in the json_lines parameter in JSONL format). A task will be created for every 20000 users. You may send a maximum of 100000 lines per call. The imports will run in the background. |
import.status | GET | /import.status.json | Retrieves the status of import by ID. |
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
integration.updateIntegrationProps | POST
| /integration.updateIntegrationProps.json
| Updates the integration properties of a list
integration.getIntegrationProps | GET
| /integration.getProps.json
| Returns a hash array with the specified integration properties
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
abtest.createVariant | POST | /abtest.createVariant.json | Creates a newsletter variant (part of AB Test) |
abtest.setTestProps | POST | /abtest.setTestProps.json | Updates the AB Test properties |
abtest.getTestProps | GET | /abtest.getTestProps.json | Returns the current Newsletter AB Test properties |
abtest.getVariantsIds | GET | /abtest.getVariantsIds.json | Returns an array with the variants ids |
abtest.getVariant | GET | /abtest.getVariant.json | Returns specific variant of this test |
abtest.deleteVariant | POST | /abtest.deleteVariant.json | Deletes a test variant |
abtest.setWinner | POST | /abtest.setWinner.json | Sets a TEST winner |
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
remarketing.getSettings | GET
| /remarketing.getSettings.json
| Returns a hash array with the remarketing properties of a list
remarketing.saveOrder | POST
| /remarketing.saveOrder.json
| Saves an order for the list that is linked to the website
remarketing.clearCart | POST
| /remarketing.clearCart.json
| Clears the cart for the list that is linked to the website and the user with the email address
remarketing.setPurchaseStatus | GET
| /remarketing.setPurchaseStatus.json
| Saves a new status for one order, from a list of predefined statuses
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
feeds.setFeedOnList | POST
| /feeds.setFeedOnList.json
| Sets a feed on a list
feeds.getFeed | GET
| /feeds.getFeed.json
| Returns an array containing the data of a feed from the list
feeds.getFeeds | GET
| /feeds.getFeeds.json
| Returns feeds for a list
feeds.updateFeedStatus | POST
| /feeds.updateFeedStatus.json
| Updates the status of a feed from a list
feeds.initFeedRefresh | POST
| /feeds.initFeedRefresh.json
| Initiates a refresh process for a feed from a list
feeds.updateFeed | POST
| /feeds.updateFeed.json
| Updates the properties of a feed
feeds.deleteFeed | POST
| /feeds.deleteFeed.json
| Deletes a feed from a list
feeds.getFeedProducts | GET
| /feeds.getFeedProducts.json
| Returns the products of a feed (max 5000 at once)
feeds.addFeedProducts | POST
| /feeds.addFeedProducts.json
| Adds products to a fixed type feed
feeds.removeFeedProducts | POST
| /feeds.removeFeedProducts.json
| Removes products from a fixed type feed
feeds.replaceFeedProducts | POST
| /feeds.replaceFeedProducts.json
| Replaces products in a fixed type feed
feeds.addProductGroupToList | POST
| /feeds.addProductGroupToList.json
| Adds a product group to a list
feeds.getProductGroup | GET
| /feeds.getProductGroup.json
| Returns an array containing the data of a product group from the list
feeds.getProductGroups | GET
| /feeds.getProductGroups.json
| Returns product groups for a list
feeds.getProductGroupProducts | GET
| /feeds.getProductGroupProducts.json
| Returns the products of a product group (a product group may contain a maximum of 100 products)
feeds.updateProductGroup | POST
| /feeds.updateProductGroup.json
| Updates the properties of a product group
feeds.updateProductGroupStatus | POST
| /feeds.updateProductGroupStatus.json
| Updates the status of a product group from a list
feeds.initProductGroupRefresh | POST
| /feeds.initProductGroupRefresh.json
| Initiates a refresh process for a product group from a list
feeds.deleteProductGroup | POST
| /feeds.deleteProductGroup.json
| Deletes a product group from a list
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
coupons.getCoupons | GET
| /coupons.getCoupons.json
| Returns coupons for a list
coupons.getCoupon | GET
| /coupon.getCoupon.json
| Returns an array containing the data of a coupon from the list
coupons.getByName | GET
| /coupon.getByName.json
| Returns an array containing the data of a coupon, by name, from the list
coupons.addCoupon | POST
| /coupon.addCoupon.json
| Returns an array containing the data of the inserted coupon
coupons.updateCoupon | POST
| /coupon.updateCoupon.json
| Returns an array containing the data of the updated coupon
coupons.getCouponCodes | GET
| /coupons.getCouponCodes.json
| Returns an Array containing the codes of the coupon. Each array item is a hash with keys: code, created_at, expires_at, sent, subscriber_id, email, newsletter_id, form_id
coupons.importCouponCodes | POST
| /coupons.importCouponCodes.json
| Schedules the import of codes for a coupon
coupons.generateCouponCodes | POST
| /coupons.generateCouponCodes.json
| Schedules the generation of codes for a coupon
coupons.clearCouponCodes | POST
| /coupons.clearCouponCodes.json
| Schedules the clearing of codes for a coupon
coupons.deleteCoupon | POST
| /coupons.deleteCoupon.json
| Schedules the deletion of a coupon
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
webhook.getListWebhook | GET
| /webhook.getListWebhook.json
| Returns a hash array with the webhook settings of a list
webhook.setListWebhook | POST
| /webhook.setListWebhook.json
| Sets webhook settings on a list
webhook.removeListWebhook | POST
| /webhook.removeListWebhook.json
| Removes webhook settings from a list
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
sms.getCurrentCreditsNumber | GET
| /sms.getCurrentCreditsNumber.json
| Returns the number of currently available SMS credits
sms.lists | GET
| /sms.lists.json
| Returns a hash array with all available lists of type SMS
sms.sendone | POST
| /sms.sendone.json
| Send one text SMS message to a recipient
sms.getByTelephone | GET
| /subscriber.getByTelephone.json
| Returns subscriber data as hash (struct) array
sms.saveSubscribe | POST
| /sms.saveSubscribe.json
| Saves / subscribes a subscriber to the list
sms.saveUnsubscribe | POST
| /subscriber.saveUnsubscribe.json
| Unsubscribes a telephone from a list
sms.getCampaignProps | GET
| /sms.getCampaignProps.json
| Returns a hash array with the properties of a campaign
sms.getCampaignProp | GET
| /sms.getCampaignProp.json
| Returns the specified property of a campaign
sms.updateCampaignProps | POST
| /sms.updateCampaignProps.json
| Updates the properties of a campaign
sms.updateCampaignProp | POST
| /sms.updateCampaignProp.json
| Updates one property of a campaign
sms.pauseCampaign | POST
| /sms.pauseCampaign.json
| Pauses a sending campaign
sms.resumeCampaign | POST
| /sms.resumeCampaign.json
| Resumes a paused campaign
sms.scheduleCampaign | POST
| /sms.scheduleCampaign.json
| Schedules a campaign to be sent in the future
sms.cancelCampaign | POST
| /sms.cancelCampaign.json
| Cancels a campaign
sms.confirmCampaign | POST
| /sms.confirmCampaign.json
| Confirms a campaign via API
sms.sendCampaignConfirm | POST
| /sms.sendCampaignConfirm.json
| Sends a newsletter confirmation mail
sms.createCampaign | POST
| /sms.createCampaign.json
| Creates a new campaign in this list
sms.getCampaignSegments | GET
| /sms.getCampaignSegments.json
| Returns a hash array with the segments of a campaign
sms.getCampaignExcludedSegments | GET
| /sms.getCampaignExcludedSegments.json
| Returns a hash array with the excluded segments of a campaign
sms.setCampaignSegments | POST
| /sms.setCampaignSegments.json
| Updates the segments of a campaign
sms.setExcludedCampaignSegments | POST
| /sms.setExcludedCampaignSegments.json
| Updates the excluded segments of a campaign
sms.allCampaigns | GET
| /sms.allCampaigns.json
| Returns a list of campaigns with status $status between $start_date, $stop_date (inclusive)
sms.campaignStats | GET
| /sms.campaignStats.json
| Returns stats for the specified campaign
sms.campaignLinksClicked | GET
| /sms.campaignLinksClicked.json
| Returns links clicked for the specified campaign
sms.restartCampaign | POST
| /sms.restartCampaign.json
| Restarts a cancelled / sent campaign
sms.campaignSubscribersHistory | GET
| /campaign.subscribersHistory.json
| Returns an array with the history entries for the subscribers of a campaign
sms.campaignStatusActions | GET
| /sms.campaignStatusActions.json
| Returns info about the campaign status and actions which may be taken
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
automation.all | GET
| /automation.all.json
| Returns a list of workflows with name $name, type $type, status $status updated between $start_date, $stop_date (inclusive)
automation.setWorkflowStatus | POST
| /automation.setWorkflowStatus.json
| Sets the status for a workflow
automation.getWorkflow | GET
| /automation.getWorkflow.json
| Returns data for the specified workflow
API Method | HTTP method | Endpoint | Description |
transactional.messageSend | POST
| /transactional.messageSend.json
| Sends a mail message over http API. The SMTP account will be chosen based on the from address of the list or a specific account may be sent.
transactional.messageSendRaw | POST
| /transactional.messageSendRaw.json
| Sends a mail message over http API. The SMTP account will be chosen based on the from address of the list or a specific account may be sent.
transactional.messageSendTemplate | POST
| /transactional.messageSendTemplate.json
| Sends a mail message over http API using a stored template. The SMTP account will be chosen based on the from address of the list or a specific account may be sent.
transactional.templateSave | POST
| /transactional.templateSave.json
| Saves a template to an account
transactional.templateDelete | POST
| /transactional.templateDelete.json
| Deletes a template from an account
transactional.templateAll | GET
| /transactional.templateAll.json
| Returns a dict with the templates for this account (keys are template ids)
transactional.templateGet | GET
| /transactional.templateGet.json
| Returns a dict containing the template data: type, content
transactional.templateRender | GET
| /transactional.templateRender.json
| Returns a dict with the rendered HTML code in the key: content
transactional.accountTags | GET
| /transactional.accountTags.json
| Returns an array containing the account tags
transactional.accountTagCreate | POST
| /transactional.accountTagCreate.json
| Returns an array containing the info of the added tag
transactional.accountTagDelete | POST
| /transactional.accountTagDelete.json
| Returns an array containing the info of the deleted tag
transactional.accountTagStats | GET
| /transactional.accountTagStats.json
| Returns stats for a tag in a given period, grouped by unit
transactional.accountStats | GET
| /transactional.accountStats.json
| Returns stats for a SMTP account in a given period, grouped by unit
transactional.accountHistory | GET
| /transactional.accountHistory.json
| Returns an array of actions, sorted in descending order, for a SMTP account
transactional.emailHistory | GET
| /transactional.emailHistory.json
| Returns an array of actions, sorted in descending order, for an email address
transactional.emailGetRejectStatus | GET
| /transactional.emailGetRejectStatus.json
| Returns info about the reject status of an email. The response is a dict with the keys: unsub, hardbounce, spam, bounce. A message will be rejected if an email has a count of at least 1 for the status types spam, unsub, hardbounce. It will also be rejected if the status bounce (softbounce eg: out of storage space) exceeds 10.
transactional.emailAddRejectStatusType | POST
| /transactional.emailAddRejectStatusType.json
| Adds a reject status type for an email. A message will be rejected if an email has a count of at least 1 for the status types spam, unsub, hardbounce. It will also be rejected if the status bounce (softbounce eg: out of storage space) exceeds 10. The response is an int with the new value of the status.
transactional.emailRemoveRejectStatusTypes | POST
| /transactional.emailRemoveRejectStatusTypes.json
| Removes reject status types for an email. A message will be rejected if an email has a count of at least 1 for the status types spam, unsub, hardbounce. It will also be rejected if the status bounce (softbounce eg: out of storage space) exceeds 10. The response is the string OK.